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If you are interested in these courses, you can pre-register for any combination of these courses by enrolling now so that you will be informed as soon as the courses are officially launched.
House to someone else(拜访、做客)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Go out to play(出去玩儿)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Raising pets(饲养宠物)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Go to the gym(去健身房)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Go to the post office(去邮局)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Color and shape(物体颜色、形状)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Insights on life(人生感悟)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Ask Why(问“为什么”)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Network life(网络生活)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Determining the orientation(确定方位)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
What is the date and time(询问日期和时间)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Ask the occupation(询问职业)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Asking about the weather(询问天气)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
The evaluation of others(评价他人)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Say hello(打招呼)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
At the airport(在机场)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
In the hospital(在医院)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Introduce each other(相互介绍)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Polite language(礼貌用语)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Ask the way(问路)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Ask for help(请求帮助)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
In the restaurant(在餐厅)
$ 1(USD)
(In Process)
Tick √ after the course you want to enroll in and then click the "Next" button.